How Harris Drained Trump’s Macho

Pundits across the spectrum have been complementing Harris for baiting Trump in last Tuesday’s debate. 

Fair enough; she did bait him. Yes, that got him angry.  And, yes, his anger pushed him into inane and ludicrous responses.

But it was her responses to Trump’s bullying and bloviating that defined the night. She gave him bemused smiles, the kind a parent gives a six year old who wants to drive the car. She raised her eyebrows and chuckled at his “Haitians eat dogs and cats” line. She rolled her eyes at his claim of winning the 2020 election.  

By 20 minutes into the debate, Trump was full bore into his macho mode: piling lie onto lie, ignoring the moderators fact checks, and blowing past his time limits. 

Through it all, Harris stayed calm. After each of his outburst, she efficiently skewered his arguments and then poked his macho, the most memorable poke inviting people to a Trump rally so they can see the crowd leave early out of boredom.

Where Hillary Clinton reacted to Trump’s bullying with nervousness, Harris reacted with patient amusement. Where Biden reacted with “C’mon Man!”, Harris just laughed. 

Then, in the time honored way of dealing with bullies,  she punched him in the nose. She told him world leaders were laughing at him. She told him military leaders called him a “disgrace”. She called him “weak”. She noted he inherited a fortune, then declared bankruptcy 6 times. And then she  reminded everyone that he was fired by 81 million voters. 

In response, Trump insisted his rallies had more people than Harris’, immigrants have destroyed the fabric of the country, inflation is the worst we’ve ever had, and bragged about overturning Roe v Wade and winning the 2020 election…same old, same old. He was irritated, red in the face, clearly flummoxed.

Trump left the stage immediately after the debate without so much as a glance at Harris or the moderators. Where did he go? To the cuddling arms of his Fox family:  Bret Baier, Jesse Watters, and his favorite Uncle, Sean Hannity.

There is nobody more alone than a bully who’s lost his macho.

It was a master class, not in baiting, not in fact checking (it was refreshing seeing reporters actually correct him in real time), and not in succinctly worded arguments, although all of that happened. No, it was a master class on exposing Trump as an insecure child who aspires to  be a macho bully.

It’s a unique strategy, perfect for this campaign: a mature, intelligent woman draining the macho from a school yard bully.

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Endless Summer or….?

I looked up this morning and it is the end of August! Unbelievable!  

One minute I’m relaxing, just lounging in the sun and thinking… about thinking… or a trip to somewhere to visit someone… or something,… the bathing suit is still new… the grass is still summer green…the sunburn is just beginning to turn to tan…

And then I look up… AND!…only days until work, traffic jams, short days, slush, and flu, covid, RSV vaccinations!

What any North Easterner, especially a retiree, knows is: the only way to extend August beyond 31 days is to move to Florida.

Which is what this savvy retiree did 10 years ago. In Florida, you don’t have to worry about winter, because winter in Florida is like the best of summer at the Jersey shore.

And you don’t have to worry about leaving your adult kids, because …Duh! Blue skies and pearly white beaches! You won’t be able to keep them away! 

I found a warm, friendly Florida community. The people who sold me my house moved all of two houses away. They threw a neighborhood pizza party to introduce me to the neighborhood and I continued it as an almost monthly ritual. 

Another neighbor, a congenial Conservative, and I would meet for dinner once every week or so and talk politics, with respect and even humor. We discussed policies, not personalities. And we agreed on basic issues more often than not.

And there was Cowboy Susan, a member of Mensa who was licensed to hunt alligators, a 100 ton boat captain who had climbed Mt. Everest, a Karate expert who fundraised for large charities as well as single, aging neighbors. 

The pizzas were great; the sense of community was greater.  and the kids visited…well, once or twice.

Then Trump hit the state like a hurricane on steroids. We still had the pizza parties, but conversations were reduced to golf, fishing, tourist traffic, and… golf, fishing, tourist traffic,..

Then the pandemic hit. No more visits from my kids. No more trips up north to see them.Then Governor DeSantis got into a snit with Disney over comments Disney employees made about him. Then came the banning of books (thousands and counting). Then came the rewriting of history to avoid making white students sad.  

As the 2020 election neared, “Woke” became an all purpose insult. The few Biden signs in the community were plowed over by teenagers in a golf cart. 

That’s when I began to wonder: Did perfect Florida weather justify living in a state that picked fights with one of its biggest money-makers, banned books, and rewrote American history? 

I lived in a 1922 house that had survived multiple hurricanes, but would I survive continually rising insurance costs? 

On the other hand…winter suntans were still cool, pizza parties were still fun, Mr. Congeniality and Cowboy Susan were still one-of-a kind friends. And there were always those blue skies and pearly white beaches… 

But why didn’t the kids visit more often, once the pandemic ended?

And that’s when it occurred to me: They had lives of their own up North. They were too busy. 

By the end of August this year, I had sold the 1922 house and returned north. Why? I tell people it was living in a DeSanitized state, but that is only partially true.

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Dear Joe,

 A few thoughts.

We go back a long way. I knew you when the DC – Wilmington Amtrak had brand new rail cars, when you had plenty of hair and were a 29 year old Senate candidate.

I know you’ve been really busy lately, what with Ukraine and Israel, and China and Russia, and… TRUMP! –  OMG!  

Anyway, I thought I would write to tell you what a great job you’ve done and how proud I am of what you’ve accomplished.  For a guy as old as you and I are, really, really impressive!

But I’m writing to ask you to,….  Um, now don’t get upset with me… to step back, to ….. Ummm step aside,…. to Ummmmmmm…. step out of the fast lane and enjoy what’s left ——- 

—-Wait! CBS just interrupted golf!  What? You’re stepping down?…Yes! You’re stepping down!! Holy Moley!! Way to go, Joe!

Now we can go after Trump for being too old

Oh! And! …being a narcissist, dictator, felon, crook, liar… Wow! So many faults, so little time!

I know you’re busy talking to reporters and everyone, but  in honor of our years, another thought.

Even though you had the delegates to win the primary, now that you’re out, they can vote for anyone. And you know Democrats have a reputation for being cats in a corral, which is always a problem for the corral boss. And I know you recommend Kamala in part because you’ve worked with her for 4 years and taught her so much. And I know it will be easier to re-assign your money to her campaign than any other Democrat. 

But the presidential candidate isn’t legally chosen until the convention, some three weeks from now.

So why not endorse her, but also encourage her to campaign for the job just the way you’ve been doing?  Let her go all around the country making speeches, holding rallies and having the Obamas, the Clintons, the Bidens, and anyone else go with her? And encourage others – from Governor Newsom of CA to Whitmer to Kelly, to Shapiro and so on – to campaign against her if they want. Or for her! That way nobody (yes, that nobody) can claim it was a “rigged” primary. 

And! The party will be unified going into the election (I know, it’s hard to imagine with Democrats, but hey! Why not?)

And! On the way she and the others can take pot shots at Trump and the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025.

And! Imagine the excitement at the Convention compared to programmed week of boring speeches that was planned if you’d stayed in the race.

And! Think about those donors who have been holding onto their wallets like grannies at a bake sale, because, as much as they admired your record, they weren’t sure you could do it again. Now, imagine their exuberance over some fresh young faces!  




Dear Donald,

A few thoughts. 

You’re screwed!



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The Ironies in Crooks’ Assassination Attempt

No one likes the idea of assassinating a President. No one. Anyone who lived through JFK, RFK will never forget. Anyone who lived through the attempted assassination of Reagan will never forget. Anyone who lived through the attempt on Trump will never forget. These weren’t just attempts to kill someone; they were attacks on democracy, civility, our culture.

This attempt on Trump, while thankfully a failure, is also filled with ironies.

20 year old Thomas Matthew Crooks used an AR-15 style rifle in attempting to assassinate the leader of the Republican party. This is the same Party that sees red when anyone attempts to control or reduce the sale or use of guns, wrapping themselves in the Second Amendment.

Which says: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” Republicans, the NRA, etc… like to focus on the second half, “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” Before the last few decades, most Americans felt the first half, “a well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State,” referred to the people in the “militia” bearing arms. 

The irony? Maybe if Republicans hadn’t pushed guns so hard and blocked any attempts to reduce their number or power, Crooks wouldn’t have had the AR-15 style rifle. Maybe the guy rarely mentioned in the news, whom Cooks did assassinate that day – husband, father, and firefighter Corey Comperatore – would still be a husband, father, and firefighter. 

The Supreme Court recently ruled that “the President may not be prosecuted for exercising his core constitutional powers, and he is entitled to at least presumptive immunity from prosecution for his official acts.”  

The ruling was in response to Trump’s actions resulting from the 2020 Election. Assassination used to be illegal in this country. It still is…for everyone but the President. Animal Farm – “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.” – is no longer fiction.

The irony? This ruling came out just a few days before someone tried to assassinate Trump.

Biden had just started using Trump’s technique of insulting his adversary. He called Trump a “con man”, a “felon”  and a “liar” just days before Crooks pulled the trigger. This following Trump’s decades of hurling personal insults at anyone and everyone who… well, anyone and everyone.

For example:  “will destroy the State,” “Very dishonest,” “disgrace”, “a major security risk”, “Crazy,” “A joke!” “rigged,” “RIGGED,” “totally rigged!” “a Terrorist Organization,”  “SCUM,”  “Anarchists, Thugs & Agitators,” “Corrupt,” “Wacko group,” “gutless Radical Left Wack Jobs,” “Dummy”, “Drug infested”, “Vermin,” “Crooked as can be.” 

And let’s not forget his favorite:  “Fake!, Fake!!, Fake!!!” – anything and everything.

The Irony? Until a few days before Crook’s shot, Biden was old school civil, courteous, even to Trump. And now he’s the one – not Trump – asking people to be civil, to tone down rhetoric in an effort to prevent further assassination attempts.

Crooks failed. But the ironies? They’re alive and thriving.

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Stay Away From Fifth Avenue

Have you read the Supreme Court’s Ruling about Trump’s Appeal for Immunity? I have. (Plot Spoiler- he got immunity!” ).

It reminds me of mucking stalls, except the horse pucky in this case was denser and sprinkled with esoteric legal references. 

The Roberts Court came to three conclusions: Presidents are immune from criminal prosecution for official duties; they’re sort of immune from sort-of-official duties; and they’re definitely unimmune from unofficial duties.

Well, actually there were four conclusions. They told lower courts to decide which of Trump’s current criminal cases were official, which were sort of official, and which were unofficial. Which will take months, thereby giving Trump the delay he wants. 

The reason they gave for immunizing a President’s official acts was to insure that all Presidents be “vigorous” and “energetic”. 

Whew! God forbid any President be unvigorous or unenergetic. 

I’m sure that will solve Biden’s problem, right?

Oh… and perhaps to reassure us, the statement “The President is not above the law” was repeated several times throughout – in direct conflict with their ruling.

Justice Sotomayor was not reassured. She wrote, if the President “orders the Navy’s Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival? Immune. Organizes a military coup to hold onto power? Immune. Takes a bribe in exchange for a pardon? Immune. Immune, immune, immune”.

The concept of a President being above the law is exactly why George Washington turned down the Presidency when he was first asked. He didn’t want to be a king. He didn’t want the US to have a king.

Our government was designed to be permanently out of balance; thus three branches, not two or four. The only leveler has been the requirement that everyone, every single person – rich or poor, powerful or weak – must obey the law. That requirement has kept democracy safe for all of us since the founding. Now one of the three branches, the Supreme Court, has given another branch, the President, permission to break the law. 

Now a President can combine that power with the power to pardon those who break the law on his behalf and… goodbye democracy, hello dictatorship.

The Roberts Court has done more to damage our democracy than any other entity since the beginning of the Republic. Their Citizens United decision took election choice away from the masses and gave it to the wealthy. The Dobbs-Jackson decision took birth choice away from women and gave it to male dominated religions. Now, the Immunity Decision has eliminated equality for all under the law. 

I don’t know if McConnell intended this outcome as he recruited and promoted conservative judges through his 17 years as Senate Leader. I don’t know if Trump made any mafia type deals as he added three conservative Justices to the three already there during his first Presidency.

What I do know is Sotomayor is right.  

And Trump’s brag that he could “stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters” doesn’t sound like horse pucky any more.

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